♥ I think it’s incredibly important to remember that you are not defined exclusively by your relationships with other people
♥ 5 Easy Ways to De-stress in Under 10 Minutes
♥ The Novel Cure helps you find a literary remedy for anything that might be ailing you – genius!
♥ 5 Truths That Will Make Running Your Biz (and Your Life) Infinitely Easier via Paper & Stitch
♥ I’m in love with all things watercolor, so you can bet Rouge + Whimsy’s DIY watercolor stationery caught my eye!
♥ Zie Darling asks, “What do you want your life to look like?”
♥ On a similar note, Want to Stand Out In a Sea of Competitors? Stand UP. I love love love the Middle Finger Project.
♥ The 25 Best Author Acknowledgements Ever Written
♥ New life goal: see Shitfaced Shakespeare. Because Planes, Trains, and Plantagenets’ review of Shitfaced Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” sounds wonderfully entertaining.
♥ I always enjoy reading takes on this kind of thing: YA Fiction Is For Adults Too.
♥ Statistics explained through modern dance. Now I understand this loads better. Who knew.


What fun links have you found this week?