Sincerely Sara first captivated me with her impeccably styled outfits based off of literature – everything from book covers, to favorite characters, even movies. Lucky for you all, she’s here to share some of those book-inspired outfits! I can’t even handle it, I want them all. And she even has a surprise for you, too 🙂
Hello, My Life as a Teacup readers! I’m Sara from Sincerely, Sara, which is where I write mostly about fashion, books, and finding inspiration everywhere. Since I’m a book lover (writing a novel as we speak!), one of my absolute favorite things to do is combine my love of books with my love of fashion. Awesome, I know! I like being inspired by book covers and the books themselves, and then creating outfits around them. Let’s take a look at my favorites, shall we? If I love a specific character from a book, it’s easy to be inspired by their personality and to bring what they love into the outfit I’m creating.

Stardust, a novel by Neil Gaiman, is a favorite of mine, as is the movie. Tristan Thorn is the lovable main character who crosses into a magical realm in order to find a fallen star in order to prove his love to the town beauty. However, he learns a lot along the way and finds love in an unexpected place.

Austenland, by Shannon Hale, follows Jane Hayes, a woman obsessed with all things Mr. Darcy. She decides that she should get it out of her system and goes to a Regency-inspired English resort, where they pretend it’s the early 1800s. As an Anglophile, I can completely relate to Jane Hayes’ love of the Regency era and Pride and Prejudice. Sometimes it’s fun to be inspired by a book’s cover. While I’ve been told countless times to never judge a book by its cover, some of them are just so pretty it’s hard not to.

The End of Night, by Paul Bogard, is a non-fiction work about how in our modern era most of us no longer experience true darkness, and how the spectacular view of the night sky influenced the human experience. I immediately fell for the illustrated cover and the beautiful blues.

Z: A Novel About Zelda Fitzgerald, by Therese Ann Fowler, tells the real-life story of the beautiful Southern belle who meets F. Scott Fitzgerald, a young lieutenant, in 1918. She falls for him despite his unsuitability due to his lack of wealth. I like how striking the giant Z is on the cover, the soft colors, and how the woman is popping out of the letter.

Thanks, Kristin, for having me on your little nook of the blogosphere! To let you guys get inspired by books, I’m giving away $15 to Barnes & Noble!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Isn’t Sara a doll? I love these looks that she put together, and it doesn’t hurt that they’re based off of some of my very favorite authors and novels – Gaiman, Austen, and that gorgeous looking Zelda Fitzgerald book? Gaah!